Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Makanan Pengganti Untuk Mengurangi Asupan Gula

Merupakan ide yang sangat bagus untuk mengurangi asupan gula guna menjaga kesehatan. Namun, banyak orang merasa sulit untuk menguranginya. Ditambah lagi hampir seluruh makanan dan minuman yang kita beli di toko dan swalayan sudah ditambahkan gula.
Nah, kali ini mau berbagi tips untuk mengurangi asupan gula agar kamu tetap sehat!
1. Nasi putih diganti nasi merah
Nasi merah kaya akan selenium yang meningkatkan
imunitas tubuh. Nasi merah juga kaya akan serat sehingga kamu akan lebih gampang menurunkan berat badan dan menjaganya agar tidak naik lagi. Makan nasi merah juga membuat kamu lebih kenyang dalam porsi yang lebih sedikit.

2. Coklat susu ditukar dark chocolate
Segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan produk susu telah ditambahkan dengan gula agar produk tersebut tidak cepat menghilang dari pasar. Sebaliknya dark chocolate tak mengandung susu dan memiliki kandungan gula yang sedikit. Cokelat ini juga memiliki kandungan antioksidan.

3. Saus tomat botolan diganti dengan saus tomat buatan rumah
Produk saus botolan sering ditambahkan dengan gula, itu sebabnya produk ini bertahan begitu lama. Saus di rak-rak supermarket dibuat untuk bisa tahan lama hingga setidaknya enam bulan, jadi saus tersebut memiliki banyak kandungan gula dan pengawet.Panaskan saja tomat, bawang putih dan rempah-rempah secara bersamaan dan carilah botol sendiri yang dapat menjaga ketahanan saus selama beberapa pekan di lemari es.

4. Gula pasir diganti kayu manis
Kayu manis tidak hanya memberi rasa manis tetapi juga antiinflamasi dan benar-benar bagus untuk orang-orang yang menderita kembung.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014


1. Ambil 10-30 menit berjalan setiap hari. & Saat Anda berjalan, TERSENYUM.
Ini adalah yang paling antidepresan.

2. Duduk diam selama setidaknya 10 menit setiap hari.

3. Ketika Anda bangun di pagi hari, Berdoa untuk meminta bimbingan Tuhan untuk tujuan Anda, hari ini.

4. Makan lebih banyak makanan yang tumbuh di pohon dan tanaman dan makan lebih sedikit makanan
yang diproduksi di tanaman.

5. Minum teh hijau dan banyak air. Makan blueberry, brokoli,
dan almond.

6. Cobalah untuk membuat setidaknya tiga orang tersenyum setiap hari.

7. Jangan buang energi yang berharga Anda pada gosip, isu ini itu, pikiran negatif masa lalu atau hal-hal yang tidak dapat Anda kendalikan. Sebaliknya, investasikan energi Anda pada saat ini positif.

8. Makan sarapan seperti raja, makan siang seperti pangeran dan makan malam seperti
anak kuliah dengan maxed out kartu kredit.

9. Hidup ini tidak adil, tapi masih baik.

10. Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk dihabiskan dengan membenci orang. Memaafkan mereka untuk

11. Jangan terlalu serius.

12. Anda tidak harus menang dalam setiap perdebatan. Setuju untuk tidak setuju.

13. Berdamai dengan masa lalu Anda sehingga tidak akan merusak masa sekarang.

14. Jangan bandingkan hidupmu dengan orang lain. Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang semua perjalanan yang mereka lalui.

15. Tidak ada yang bertanggung jawab atas kebahagiaan Anda kecuali Anda.

16. Buatlah setiap rencana yang disebut dengan kata-kata: "Dalam lima tahun,ini akan penting? '

17. Membantu yang membutuhkan, Jadilah murah hati! Jadilah 'Pemberi' bukan 'Menerima'

18. Apa yang orang lain pikirkan tentang Anda adalah urusanmu.

19. Waktu menyembuhkan segalanya.

20. Namun baik atau buruk situasi, itu akan berubah.

21. Pekerjaan Anda tidak akan mengurus Anda ketika Anda sakit. Teman-teman Anda ada. Tetap berkomunikasi.

22. Envy adalah buang-buang waktu. Anda sudah memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan.

23. Setiap malam sebelum Anda pergi tidur, Berdoalah kepada Allah dan Bersyukurlah
untuk apa yang Anda akan mencapai, hari ini!

24. Ingat bahwa Anda diberkati tekankan iti.

25. Bagikan ini ke semua orang di daftar Anda untuk membantu mereka menjalani bahagia
hidup ..

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Be Among The Oldest Surviving Triplets In The Country

Octogenarian triplets who doctors feared would not survive after being born under 5lb celebrate their milestone birthday

When triplets Audrey O'Donnell and Alan and Eric Lucas were born in 1933 they were so tiny their chances of survival looked slim.
Without the the benefit of today's technology, doctors had predicted their mother Doris may have been carrying twins using an ear trumpet. Audrey was born first weighing 5lb, followed by Alan 20 minutes later weighing 3lb and surprise addition Eric came 20 minutes after that at just 2lb.

They were wrapped in cotton wool and cooking foil to keep them warm. But against all the odds, the trio have just celebrated their 80th birthdays, surrounded by many of their 35 grandchildren.
They are believed to be among the oldest surviving triplets in the country. In 2011, Ronald, Eric and David Thurman celebrated their 80th birthday in Oxfordshire. They were known as the 'Tabloid Triplets' because their picture was published in a national newspaper when they were born in 1931. Eric, Alan and Audrey's birthday celebration was a rare get-together for the siblings because Eric has moved to Wales.

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Miracle Of Life

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators. Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator. She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above). As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

Detailed: The story talks about two premature born twin girls Brielle and Kyrie while both were placed in a incubator, claiming that as Kyrie put her little arm around her sister Brielle who was critical, she started breathing well and her health became normal. The story is a fact. This incident of a sister's helping hand came to be popularly known as 'The Rescuing Hug'. The story goes back to October 17, 1995, when Heidi and Paul Jackson had twin girls named Brielle and Kyrie, born 12 weeks before their due date. So as a standard practice, the twin girls were placed in two separate incubators in the neonatal intensive care unit at The Medical Center of Central Massachusetts, Worcester. Kyrie was growing well and healthy, but Brielle, with breathing and heart-rate problems could not grow well. On November 12, Brielle suddenly went into critical condition, unable to breathe properly, and her thin arms and legs turned bluish-gray. Her heart rate went high, and she got hiccups, a dangerous sign that worried the parents and the medical staff if she might die. The nurse attendant, Gayle Kasparian tried everything to stabilize Brielle, by increasing the oxygen flow to the incubator, even then Brielle could not breathe properly and her heart rate soared.

Then Kasparian remembered an unconventional treatment procedure that is common in parts of Europe, by double-bedding the multiple-birth babies, especially the premature born ones. After discussing the same with the terrified parents, she placed Brielle into her sister's incubator, whom she hadn't seen since birth. As soon as the incubator door was closed, Brielle snuggled up to her sister Kyrie and began to calm down. Within few minutes, Brielle's blood-oxygen readings improved and she dozed off into sleep. Here is where the tender magic happened - Kyrie wrapped her left arm around her sister Brielle, as if to hug her; and as a result, her heart rate stabilized, her temperature became normal. In due course of time, the twins went home healthy, and according to the Jackson couple, the twin sisters slept together on same bed even after five years.

The story, popularly referred to as the 'Rescuing Hug' appeared in Reader's Digest and Life magazine as well. More importantly, this incident generated medical interest in co-bedding the premature twins, triplets, and quads. Premature twins were generally placed in separate incubators in order to avoid twin-to-twin infection, but clinical studies after this incident have shown that the babies will enjoy substantial benefits when placed in same bed together.

The story is a proof of the power of gentle human touch, signifies the importance of healthy physical contact and shows that love and affection can do wonders. A little bit of tender love towards fellow human beings indeed goes a long way.