Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Be Among The Oldest Surviving Triplets In The Country

Octogenarian triplets who doctors feared would not survive after being born under 5lb celebrate their milestone birthday

When triplets Audrey O'Donnell and Alan and Eric Lucas were born in 1933 they were so tiny their chances of survival looked slim.
Without the the benefit of today's technology, doctors had predicted their mother Doris may have been carrying twins using an ear trumpet. Audrey was born first weighing 5lb, followed by Alan 20 minutes later weighing 3lb and surprise addition Eric came 20 minutes after that at just 2lb.

They were wrapped in cotton wool and cooking foil to keep them warm. But against all the odds, the trio have just celebrated their 80th birthdays, surrounded by many of their 35 grandchildren.
They are believed to be among the oldest surviving triplets in the country. In 2011, Ronald, Eric and David Thurman celebrated their 80th birthday in Oxfordshire. They were known as the 'Tabloid Triplets' because their picture was published in a national newspaper when they were born in 1931. Eric, Alan and Audrey's birthday celebration was a rare get-together for the siblings because Eric has moved to Wales.

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